According to a recent story in the Wall Street Journal, Russian officials “reacted angrily” to Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov’s detention on Saturday as he got off his private jet at Paris’s Le Bourget airport.
The Russian Embassy in France issued a statement early Sunday stating that the French authorities were refusing to cooperate with their efforts to reach Durov. “We immediately asked explanation from the French authorities regarding the reasons for P.V. Durov’s imprisonment and insisted that they defend his rights and give consular access. As of today, the French side has avoided commenting on this matter. A translated version of the statement states, “We are in contact with P.V. Durov’s lawyer.”
Some Russian officials have interpreted the detention as an indirect hostile act against Russia, according to the Wall Street Journal. According to some sources, Durov is a dual citizen of France and Russia; others claim he is a dual citizen of France and the United Arab Emirates.
According to NPR, French officials are likely to release a statement on the arrest on Monday.
According to French media, Durov might face accusations relating to Telegram’s activities and a lack of moderation on the site, including money laundering and “pedocriminal content.”
Telegram also addressed the arrest for the first time on Sunday, stating, “Telegram abides by EU laws, including the Digital Services Act,” adding, “Telegram’s CEO Pavel Durov has nothing to hide and travels frequently in Europe,” in its statement posted to X.
Source: Zack Abrams