Rebecca Joynes: Teacher guilty of sex with two boys

A teacher was found guilty of having sex with two schoolboys.

Rebecca Joynes, 30, has groomed both lads since they were 15 years old, according to Manchester Crown Court.

Joynes was convicted of four charges of sexual behaviour with a minor and two counts of sexual conduct with another youngster.

She was on bail for sexual activity with her first child, boy A, when she started having intercourse with her second child, boy B, with whom she became pregnant.

Neither of the teenagers must be recognised.

Joynes closed her eyes and groaned before shaking as the jury foreman delivered the guilty verdicts.

Her mother and father, who were seated in the public gallery, showed no emotion.

But yards away, the boys’ parents repressed celebrations as Joynes was convicted.

Judge Kate Cornell told Joynes: “There’s a baby in this case who has done nothing wrong and is completely innocent of any wrongdoing, and I appreciate that you’ll want to visit her before the sentence is delivered.

“But you must be under no illusion about what’s going to happen on the fourth of July.”

Michael O’Brien, the defendant, successfully sought bail.

Joynes, 28, had recently ended a nine-year relationship and was “flattered” by the attention of young schoolboys, according to prior testimony in court.

Boy A figured out her phone number after she gave him all but one digit, and the two communicated over Snapchat.

He sent her a seductive SMS, and they decided to meet secretly.

Boy A lied to his mother about staying at a friend’s house after school on Friday, but Joynes picked him up near his house in her Audi A1, drove him to the Trafford Centre, and purchased him a £350 Gucci belt.

Back at her flat, they kissed and had sex twice.

The next day, the boy’s mother discovered a love-bite on his neck, which he disregarded as “nothing”.

However, police received a tip and went to the school, along with boy A’s “distraught” mother, who rushed into reception after learning that her son had spent the night with a teacher.

Joynes was released on the condition that she had no unsupervised contact with anyone under 18.

She said she suffered a “breakdown” and returned to her parents in Wirral.

She was at a bad time when Boy B messaged her on Snapchat to see how she was.

“I genuinely thought he cared,” Joynes added.

Joynes returned to Salford Quays, and Boy B paid her a visit, during which they had their first intercourse.

She was imprisoned for violating bail terms and spent five months in prison before being released in November of last year. She gave birth in early 2024.

Jane Wilson, senior crown prosecutor for CPS North West, stated, “Rebecca Joynes is a sexual predator.”

“She misused her position to seduce and eventually sexually exploit schoolboys. Her actions have left a lasting impression on them.”

Source: Paul Burnell, BBC News

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